Here's what to do if you win the $1 Billion jackpot in the Lottery

Big paydays have spelled disaster for some. Not only do most winners have to deal with people coming out of the woodwork looking for a handout, but there have also been cases of bankruptcy, murder, robbery, drug abuse and various legal woes in the wake of big wins.

So, here’s a list of seven tips on how to handle a mega windfall from people who know what they’re talking about.

1. Establish proof that it’s your ticket.

While signing the back of the ticket is one step a winner will want to take, One wealth advisor suggests that it would be smart to take another step in case you ever need to prove it's yours - Take a selfie with it,

2. Keep it on the down low.

You really want to keep this as private as possible. Other than a spouse or life partner, don't  tell anyone about your good fortune until after you’ve created a solid plan with professional financial advisers.

3. Hire or contact a team of professional financial advisers to help manage your money, e.g. reputable banker, accountant, lawyer.