
Introduction to 'Open' Agriculture Software and Tools

Collaboration, Open Solutions, and Innovation (COSI) are the key management strategies individuals and organizations need to embrace and incorporate in their daily lives and business practices in order to compete and succeed in the 21st century. The growing acceptance, adoption and application of these new management strategies is already evident in almost every sector of the economy.

Industries and businesses throughout the world are being revolutionized through the application of these three unique and powerful management strategies. When combined, these COSI strategies create a robust model for accelerating change, achieving significant operational efficiencies, and improving the quality of products and services being provided by public and private sector organizations in the U.S. and other countries.

Collaborative development efforts to create innovative, free and open source software (FOSS) tools, applications, and other solutions for use by individuals and corporations involved in agriculture are also well underway. These innovative 'Open Agriculture' solutions are being released under one or more 'open' licensing or copyright arrangements that allow both public and private institutions to acquire and use these tools at little or no cost. This has tremendous potential consequences for individuals and organizations around the world that face funding challenges.
Find out more about 'open source' software, 'open data', 'open access' information, and 'open communities' and other resources for use in Agriculture, AgriTourism, Farming... at http://Agriculture.COSITech.Net

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