
Ghosts and Haunted Homes around Santee Cooper Country in S.C.

All about Ghosts and Haunted places around Santee Cooper Country near scenic Lakes Marion and Moultrie in South Carolina.

A ghost is often defined as the soul or spirit of a dead person or animal that can appear in some visible form to the living. Ghosts are also known known as a spectre, phantom, apparition or spook. The belief in manifestations of the spirits of the dead is quite widespread, dating back thousands of years. A 2005 Gallup poll found that about 32 percent of Americans believe in ghosts. It appear that a number of ghosts may be found wandering around Santee Cooper Country in S.C. See Wikipedia.

Descriptions of the apparition of a ghost vary widely from an invisible presence to translucent or barely visible wispy shapes, to realistic, lifelike visions. The deliberate attempt to contact the spirit of a deceased person is known as necromancy, and is usually done during a
séance. Ghosts are generally described as solitary essences that haunt particular locations, objects, or people they were associated with in life.

A place where ghosts are reported is described as haunted, and often seen as being inhabited by spirits of deceased who may have been former residents or were familiar with the property. Supernatural activity inside homes is said to be mainly associated with violent or tragic events in the building's past such as murder, accidental death, or suicide. Some argue that the 'spirits' of those who have died have not 'passed over' and are trapped inside the property where their memories and energy are strong.

Both the Hebrew Torah and the Bible contain a few references to ghosts, associating contact with spirits as being a forbidden occult activity. The most notable reference is in the 1 Samuel 28:3-20, when King Saul has the Witch of Endor summon the spirit/ghost of Samuel. Both Jews and Christians are taught that it is sinful to attempt to conjure or control spirits in accordance with Deuteronomy 18:9-12.

Here in Santee Cooper Country, S.C., there are a number of reported ghost sightings or haunted locations that you might be interested in knowing more about. For example:

  • The Old Robert Eli McFaddin Plantation Home - Robert Eli McFaddin, Sr. built this home in 1854 with the help of his nephew John Brogdon McFaddin the son of Joseph Sidney McFaddin. It is rumored that a Ghost that lives in the attic and peers out the rear windows, and may be seen in the late afternoons. This Ghost once took the reins of Jeff’s horse on dismounting at the lot gate and handed them to Earl his brother.
  • Manning Cemetery & Dead Man's Curve - On the side of the road in dead mans curve you can see an old ghost like figure sitting in a rocking chair on certain nights when the moon is right. It is believed by many that the mans son was ran over and killed in the curve so he sat there waiting on the driver of the car who killed his son until he died but his spirit lives on and still waits on the driver. 

  • The Ghost Town of Ferguson – There are a number interesting ghost stories and sightings related to the flooded town of Ferguson now lying at the bottom of Lake Marion. You might be interested in taking a paddling trip around the area and even consider scuba diving through the ruins.
  • The Abandoned Mansion - Known simply as ‘The Abandoned Mansion’, there is not much known about this old house near Santee, S.C. Nobody seems to know when the house was built, who lived here or why it was abandoned. There are no government records regarding this house. It’s existence appears to be a complete mystery.
  • Cyprus Garden Ruins – Some say it is one of the most haunted places in South Carolina, but what is unique about this spot is that these ruins are not actually real. These man made ruins are left over from filming of the movie ‘The Patriot’. However, that doesn’t mean that they are any less haunted than other ancient ruins around the state.
  • Santee Indian MoundThe Santee Indians buried their chiefs, shamans, and warriors in earthen mounds by the Santee River. Over time, numerous sightings of ghostly images of Indian warriors have been seen in the area.
  • Salem Black River Church - Built back in 1846, the church is said to be home to several different ghosts. One of the ghosts is said to be a spectre of a Southern Belle, another is a very sad little boy often seen sobbing. It is also said to be haunted by a priest whose entire family was wiped out by the plague.
  • Wampee Ghost - Wampee was the seat of a Baptist colony in 1700. A number of Indian mounds were found on the Santee Valley Plantation. Portions of the property later became Somerset and Somerton Plantations. The ghost of a young Indian squaw has been seen appearing upon the front steps of the Wampee building in a flowing robe resembling blue silk chiffon with a complexion “as exquisite and delicate as a blush of early dawn upon the morning dew”. It makes its usual visits to all the rooms of the house and to the surrounding premises, then vanishes as mysteriously as it appears.
  • Spirits of Stony LandingSpirit Hunters of the South did historical and paranormal research on the Santee Cooper 'Stony Landing' property near Pinopolis. Read about their investigative methods and findings.
  • Wantoot Plantation - Shortly after the Revolution, General William Moultrie took a shortcut as he rode home one night. At Simons Hill near Wantoot, about 6 miles from Pinopolis, Moultrie thought he saw “the Devil” ride beside him. Something with fiery eyes seemed to go before, beside, and behind his terrified horse.

There are many other ghosts or haunted locations in Santee Cooper Country that may have never been officially recorded. For example, there is the Confederate soldier that supposedly strolls through the Church of the Holy Cross Cemetery, then there are the ghost sightings around Eutawville, and many others to learn about.

If you know of any other ghost stories or haunted places around Santee Cooper Country, please consider sharing your stories or encounters with us.

Selected web sites about Ghosts and Haunted Places in South Carolina

1 comment:

  1. Where exactly is the Abandoned Mansion located??
