
Local Clarendon County Football Team Scores and Schedules - October 30, 2015

The following are the latest scores for all the local Clarendon County high school football team games as of October 30, 2015:

  • Manning HS Monarchs lost to Marlboro County 61-0.
  • East Clarendon beat New Covenant 14-6.
  • Summerton's Scotts Branch Eagles lost to C.E. Murray 20-6.
  • Clarendon Hall Saints lost to Carolina Academy 66-28. 
  • Laurence Manning Academy (LMA) Swampcats lost to Wilson Hall 6-0.

The following are links to the 2015 Football schedule, roster, and detailed stats for local high schools in Summerton and across Clarendon County, SC:

* Check out MAXPREPS, a CBSSports.com web site for football team standings, other sports teams at your school, and more detailed statistics.


Carolina Tree Care of Clarendon County, SC

Carolina Tree Care showed up last month to remove several trees and prune up others at our lakeside home. Their professional team went to work and impressed the heck out of me. As fast as one guy cut down the trees, another was right behind him with a huge machine that picked up the whole tree and shoved it into another huge mulching machine that ground up the whole tree in minutes. Work I used to do with my sons that would take us a week or more was done in 10 minutes. It was amazing to watch.

Carolina Tree Care of Clarendon County, South Carolina, is owned and operated by International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborists [Dana Moberg and Billy Rombilus] who have the extensive experience and right equipment to get the job done - and done right. For those who don't know, a certified arborist are usually college trained forestry professionals that must achieve a level of knowledge in the art and science of tree care, pass a comprehensive certification examination, and attend continuing education courses required to maintain their certification.

Carolina Tree Care offers reliable tree care services in Clarendon County and Santee Cooper Country, which includes numerous towns and communities around nearby Lake Marion, e.g. Manning, Santee, Summerton, Sumter. Services offered include Professional Arborist Assessments, Tree Removal, Stump Grinding, Tree Pruning, Fertilization, Pre-Construction Consultation and much more. Carolina Tree care provides free estimates, 24 hour emergency service, and is fully covered by liability insurance and workman's compensation.

For more information, contact Carolina Tree Care by calling 803-478-8299, email info@carolinatreecare.org, or visit their web site at www.carolinatreecare.org. Also, take a minute and view the company video posted on Facebook.


Local Clarendon County Football Team Scores and Schedules - October 23, 2015

The following are the latest scores for all the local Clarendon County high school football team games as of October 23, 2015:

  • Manning HS Monarchs lost to Crestwood 49-28.
  • Summerton's Scotts Branch Eagles beat East Clarendon 38-22.
  • Clarendon Hall Saints beat Jefferson Davis 50-8. 
  • Laurence Manning Academy (LMA) Swampcats lost to Porter-Gaud 23-22.

The following are links to the 2015 Football schedule, roster, and detailed stats for local high schools in Summerton and across Clarendon County, SC:

* Check out MAXPREPS, a CBSSports.com web site for football team standings, other sports teams at your school, and more detailed statistics.


Declaration of Women's Rights from 1848 Convention at Seneca Falls, NY

The "Declaration of Sentiments" was signed in July 1848 at the Women's Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, N.Y. This historic resolution called not just for women's right to vote in the America, but also for women's right to equal pay and the right to attend college. Now, over 165 years later, we may see the first woman elected to be the President of the U.S.A.

Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions

Woman's Rights Convention, Held at Seneca Falls, 19-20 July 1848

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one portion of the family of man to assume among the people of the earth a position different from that which they have hitherto occupied, but one to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes that impel them to such a course.

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of those who suffer from it to refuse allegiance to it, and to insist upon the institution of a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their duty to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of the women under this government, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to demand the equal station to which they are entitled.

The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

  • He has never permitted her to exercise her inalienable right to the elective franchise [Voting Rights].
  • He has compelled her to submit to laws, in the formation of which she had no voice.
  • He has withheld from her rights which are given to the most ignorant and degraded men—both natives and foreigners.
  • Having deprived her of this first right of a citizen, the elective franchise, thereby leaving her without representation in the halls of legislation, he has oppressed her on all sides.
  • He has made her, if married, in the eye of the law, civilly dead.
  • He has taken from her all right in property, even to the wages she earns.
  • He has made her, morally, an irresponsible being, as she can commit many crimes with impunity, provided they be done in the presence of her husband. In the covenant of marriage, she is compelled to promise obedience to her husband, he becoming, to all intents and purposes, her master—the law giving him power to deprive her of her liberty, and to administer chastisement.
  • He has so framed the laws of divorce, as to what shall be the proper causes of divorce; in case of separation, to whom the guardianship of the children shall be given; as to be wholly regardless of the happiness of women—the law, in all cases, going upon the false supposition of the supremacy of man, and giving all power into his hands.
  • After depriving her of all rights as a married woman, if single and the owner of property, he has taxed her to support a government which recognizes her only when her property can be made profitable to it.
  • He has monopolized nearly all the profitable employments, and from those she is permitted to follow, she receives but a scanty remuneration.
  • He closes against her all the avenues to wealth and distinction, which he considers most honorable to himself. As a teacher of theology, medicine, or law, she is not known.
  • He has denied her the facilities for obtaining a thorough education—all colleges being closed against her.
  • He allows her in Church as well as State, but a subordinate position, claiming Apostolic authority for her exclusion from the ministry, and, with some exceptions, from any public participation in the affairs of the Church.
  • He has created a false public sentiment, by giving to the world a different code of morals for men and women, by which moral delinquencies which exclude women from society, are not only tolerated but deemed of little account in man.
  • He has usurped the prerogative of Jehovah himself, claiming it as his right to assign for her a sphere of action, when that belongs to her conscience and her God.
  • He has endeavored, in every way that he could to destroy her confidence in her own powers, to lessen her self-respect, and to make her willing to lead a dependent and abject life.

Now, in view of this entire disfranchisement of one-half the people of this country, their social and religious degradation,—in view of the unjust laws above mentioned, and because women do feel themselves aggrieved, oppressed, and fraudulently deprived of their most sacred rights, we insist that they have immediate admission to all the rights and privileges which belong to them as citizens of these United States.

In entering upon the great work before us, we anticipate no small amount of misconception, misrepresentation, and ridicule; but we shall use every instrumentality within our power to effect our object. We shall employ agents, circulate tracts, petition the State and national Legislatures, and endeavor to enlist the pulpit and the press in our behalf. We hope this Convention will be followed by a series of Conventions, embracing every part of the country.

Firmly relying upon the final triumph of the Right and the True, we do this day affix our signatures to this declaration.

[At an evening session] Lucretia Mott offered and spoke to the following resolution:

Resolved, That the speedy success of our cause depends upon the zealous and untiring efforts of both men and women, for the overthrow of the monopoly of the pulpit, and for the securing to woman an equal participation with men in the various trades, professions and commerce.

The Resolution was adopted.

Report of the Woman's Rights Convention, Held at Seneca Falls, N.Y., July 19th and 20th, 1848 (Rochester, 1848).

Revisiting 'Trickle Up' vs. 'Trickle Down' Economics

Editorial:  This is just a short blog I felt I had to write and put out there. I voted for President Reagan years ago because he was the best leader at the time to get the U.S. back on track. I'm an Independent voter and generally try to pick the candidates with long range vision that will be the best leaders for America.


President Reagan proved to be the leader we needed at that time in history, but one of the few ideas he pushed that I always had a problem with was his 'Trickle Down' economic approach which heavily favors the wealthy. It made little sense back then and still bothers me today. I prefer the 'Trickle Up' approach which places emphasis on building up the middle class. 


Let's all take a closer look at these two different approaches and let me know what you think. It's especially important as we go into the 2012 elections to think about this. Personally, I tend to favor the 'Trickle Up' approach versus the 'Trickle Down' approach.

  • 'Trickle Up' Theory - If you legislate to make the working class of citizens prosperous, their prosperity will find its way up and through every other class that rests on it. 
  • 'Trickle Down' Theory - Tax breaks or other economic benefits provided by government to businesses and the wealthy will benefit poorer members of society by improving the economy as a whole.

In upcoming elections, it appears that Republicans still seem to routinely embrace the 'Trickle Down' approach, while Democrats embrace the 'Trickle Up' approach. 

As you think about the American Dream and the Future of America, which approach actually make more sense to you?

Selected Articles



Historic Battles In and Around Summerton, S.C.

The following are brief profiles on some of the battles that took place in and around Summerton, S.C., during the Revolutionary War and Civil War:

Battle at Richbourg’s Mill - (November 8, 1780)

On November 5, Gen. Francis Marion camped at Jack’s Creek, 10 miles above Nelson’s Ferry with 500 horsemen. A spy reported that camp to Gen. Tarleton who was camped at “Big Home”. Tarleton lit a large fire, hoping Gen. Marion would think “Big Home” was on fire. However, the Richardsons warned Gen. Marion, who skirted the bogs and never checked the pace of his horse "Ball", until he had ridden across Richbourg’s Mill Dam. A Tory prisoner escaped and reported this to Gen. Tarleton, who chased Gen. Marion and his men down what is now U.S. Hwy. 15, to Pocotaligo Swamp, then down the Georgetown Road and on to Ox Swamp, a distance of 26 miles.

Battle of Half Way Swamp - (December 17, 1780)

New recruits from the British left Charleston on their way to Winnsboro. Gen. Francis Marion heard through a spy of the movement of these men up the Santee River Road. He also learned that they were to be joined by the Highland Regiment under Major McLeroth. Approximately 700 men, mostly from Williamsburg, were commanded by Marion who charged up the road. When the opposing forces met just beyond Half Way Swamp, it was agreed that each side would select 20 men to decide the battle by dueling. At the last moment, the British decided to retreat from the battlefield proceeding to Singleton’s Mill. After a brief skirmish, both the Americans and the British fled when they found the Singleton family had come down with smallpox.

Gen. Francis Marion - 'Swamp Fox'


Francis Marion (1732 – 1795) was a military officer who served in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He was a persistent adversary of the British during their occupation of South Carolina. Due to his irregular methods of warfare, he is considered one of the fathers of modern guerrilla warfare.

Marion showed himself to be a singularly able leader of irregular militiamen and ruthless in his terrorising of British Loyalists. 'Marion's Men', as his militia troops were known, served without pay, supplied their own horses, arms and often their food. Marion rarely committed his men to frontal warfare, but repeatedly surprised larger bodies of Loyalists and British regulars with quick surprise attacks and equally quick withdrawal from the battle field.

Colonel Tarleton was sent to capture or kill Gen. Marion in November 1780. After unsuccessfully pursuing Marion's troops for over 26 miles through a swamp, it was Tarleton who gave Marion his nom de guerre, the "Swamp Fox".  He is quoted as saying, "as for this damned old fox, the Devil himself could not catch him." Read about the Historic Battles of Clarendon County.

After the British defeat at Yorktown in October 1781, the British Parliament suspended offensive operations in America. In December 1782, the British withdrew their garrison from Charleston. The war was brought to an official end by the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783.

After the war, Gen. Marion returned to his plantation to find it had been burnt during the fighting. He had to borrow money to rebuild his plantation. He also married his cousin, Mary Esther Videau, after the war. Marion served several terms in the South Carolina State Senate. He died on his estate in 1795, at the age of 63.

The Battle of Wright's Bluff - (February 24, 1781)

General Thomas Sumter tried unsuccessfully to overpower the British fort at Wright's Bluff (aka Fort Watson). Sumter had captured 66 prisoners and badly needed stores. He was supposed to receive some stores at a point on the river bank, just above Wright's Bluff, but a turncoat river pilot landed the stores within the reach of the British, who or course seized them. After unsuccessfully attacking the British encampment, Sumter took his men off to the High Hills of the Santee.

Battle of Wyboo Swamp - (March 6, 1781)

Before Lake Marion was formed, there was a swamp at Wyboo with several wooden bridges on the Santee River Road. Lord Francis Rowdon, Field Commander of the King’s Forces in SC, decided that the time was ripe to crush Marion. With a double pronged pincher, he ordered Col. Watson to attack the front and Col. Doyle to cut off their retreat. Gen. Marion was ambushed at Wyboo Swamp. A bloody battle followed which was actually a draw. Marion retreated down the River road about 3 miles to Capt. John Cantey’s Plantation.

Fort Watson was constructed in 1780 by British Colonel John Watson in Clarendon County, South Carolina. It was constructed on a site originally built by local Santee Indians as a burial mound for one of their more renowned chiefs. Because of its strategic location, the site was used by the British during the Revolution to control movement on the Santee River as well as the main road between Charleston and Camden. This was the first post in S.C. retaken from the British. On April 15, 1781, General Francis Marion and Lt. Col. Henry “Lighthorse Harry” Lee encircled the fort and after 8 days of futile small arms fire, Major Hezekiah Maham constructed a pine tower of sufficient height to overlook the defenders’ stockade. On April 23, 1781, the Americans mounted an attack from the tower and from the ground which lasted only a short time. Lt. McKay surrendered the fort, its garrison and its supplies to General Marion.

For more detail on Gen. Francis Marion and the battles that took place in Clarendon county, go to The Francis Marion Trail  or The American Revolution in South Carolina.

Confederate States of America & the Civil War

Formed in February 1861, the Confederate States of America (CSA) was a republic composed of eleven Southern states that seceded from the Union in order to preserve slavery, states’ rights, and political liberty for whites. Its conservative government, with Mississippian Jefferson Davis as president, sought a peaceful separation, but the United States refused to acquiesce in the secession. The war that ensued started at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, on April 12, 1861, and lasted four years. It cost the South nearly 500,000 men killed or wounded out of a population of 9 million… See History.com

Potter's Raid - April 1865

Gen. William T. Sherman and Union forces ravaged much of South Carolina in the months before the end of the Civil War in April 1865. As Sherman's forces departed Columbia S.C., he ordered his troops to begin marching towards North Carolina.

As Sherman marched northward, Gen. Potter and 2,700 Union troops were ordered to move inland from Georgetown to destroy rail lines and military stores in Sumter and Clarendon counties. Potter and his troops engaged Confederate troops and local militia in various skirmishes between April 10-21, 1865. A large portion of the nearby town of Manning was destroyed during "Potter's Raid". 

For more information on the history of Summerton and Clarendon County, visit the Historic Summerton, SC and the Historic Clarendon County web sites.


Historic Churches In and Around the Town of Summerton, S.C.

The following are brief profiles on some of the historic churches in and around the town of Summerton, South Carolina:

LibertyHill African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Church - In 1867, five years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Abraham Lincoln, Thomas and Margaret Briggs gave four acres of land to Liberty Hill African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) church. The present church building was designed and built in 1903.

At a meeting in the Liberty Hill church in 1950, parents signed a petition demanding integrated schools. Meetings were held at the church for the selection of petitioners in the complaint that would become Briggs vs. Elliott. The case eventually became part of Brown v. Topeka Board of Education - the 1954 landmark case that struck down the "separate but equal" doctrine concerning the segregation of schools in the U.S.

Andrews Chapel - About 5 miles from nearby Summerton, this small church was organized by Mrs. L. S. Andrews in the late 1790's. In 1848, Mrs. Moses Livingston helped erect a building on a plot of land that was later deeded to the church by Ellis R. and Mary A. Richbourg (1880). The Rev. L. L. Bedenbough was the first pastor. The present structure was erected after the original building was destroyed by fire in 1912. Outstanding in the church history was the dedicated ministry of South Carolina's first female Methodist Minister, Mrs. Bessie Parker.

Calvary Baptist Church - About 6 miles from nearby Summerton, this old church may date back as early as 1768, but it has also been reported that it was organized by High Hills Baptist Church some time after 1782. Records show that it was constituted as a church and admitted to the Charleston Association around 1810. The first church building was burned and replaced by the present structure, which resemble the architectural style of the High Hills Church. The first pastor mentioned in the records is the Rev. W. H. Mahoney, who served there for 65 years and is buried in the cemetery there.

St. Mary Catholic Church -  In 1913, the Catholic Diocese of Charleston purchased the property where the church was to be located. The Lebanese people from Georgetown, Camden, Kingstree and Greeleyville, along with the Catholic Extension Society, helped the Catholics in Summerton. In 1914, the church was completed and dedicated. Over time, the columned front porch was enclosed to form the vestibule, a stained glass window was added, the sacristy was enlarged, and a rectory was built on the property behind the church. In 1993 the house next door was purchased and renovated as a recreational center with classrooms. It is the only Catholic Church in Clarendon county and provides Mass for travelers.

Summerton United Methodist Church (UMC) - The church was first officially organized in 1869 as the Summerton Methodist Episcopal Church. The congregation met in the original frame church building until it burned down in 1910. The new brick church building was built in 1910. For more detail, see S.C. Church Archives and an article on the Summerton UMC 100th Anniversary Celebration.

St. Matthias Episcopal Church - A meeting in the yard of The Presbyterian Church, marked the beginning of the establishment of St. Matthias in 1889. The land to build the church and rectory was given by Mrs. R. H. Belser. The church was built and paid for through donations and accumulated funds. On St. Mathias Day, February 24, 1899, the church was officially consecrated by Bishop Capers. The rectory adjoining the church was built in 1903. In 1910, the church was remodeled and rebuilt on concrete blocks and stained glass windows were added. A valuable Felgenmaker organ was installed in 1917. The organ was purchased from the Washington Street Methodist Church and has the date of February 23, 1870, on the bellows. It is one of only two remaining Felgenmaker organs - both of which are in Episcopal churches in SC. A bronze tablet, given by members of the congregation and bearing names of the church's founders, was dedicated on September 9, 1956, by Rev. Richard Patton. Visit the church on N. Duke Street in the heart of Summerton.

Summerton Presbyterian Church - Prior to 1860, the Presbyterians of Summerton worshiped together in the Methodist Church building, loaned to them for that purpose. The Civil Way and the resultant financial depression made it impossible to build a church, but Misses Abbie and Eliza Dukes, who had moved to Summerton from Charleston donated a large carriage house which was then moved to a lot also donated to the church by Mr. James E. Davis. This house of worship was dedicated on June 20, 1875. A new church building was subsequently built and dedicated in 1884. It was later sold in 1905. The present church building was dedicated on October 21, 1907.

Presbyterian Church Manse - Located on Cantey Street in Summerton, the manse is the oldest house in the city limits of Summerton. Approximately a century ago, it was the property of Mary Long Ragin, who conducted a school there for young children. Originally, a two-story dwelling it is now a one-story house with a large attic and a full basement.

Summerton Baptist Church -The church was first organized in 1859 and met under brush arbor until a rectangular frame structure was built in 1860 on land donated by James H. Tindal in an area called “Taw Caw”. The first pastor of the church was D.W. Cuttino, who served in that capacity from 1859-1870. In 1886, the Taw Caw church building was sold to the black members of the church community for $40. In 1887, the Summerton Baptist Church moved into its new frame structure church building in Summerton. In 1909, the church burned down and all church records were lost. The congregation built a new brick church building in 1910. The building was of gothic design with two steeples and was built to hold 400 people. For more detail, see S.C. Church Archives.

Taw Caw Missionary Baptist Church - The original Taw Caw Baptist Church was organized and founded in 1858 as an offshoot of Calvary Baptist Church. The frame church building was built on land donated by a local planter, James H. Tindal. In 1885, the black congregation of the church bought the building and lot from the Summerton Baptist Church which planned to move into a new church building several miles away in the town of Summerton. Today, the Taw Caw Missionary Baptist church serves a large congregation in Summerton and the surrounding area.

* See list of other Churches in Summerton, S.C.

If you would like to send in information on the history of other churches around the town of Summerton, please share whatever information you have with our readers - and be sure to visit the Historic Summerton, S.C. web site.

Local Clarendon County Football Team Scores and Schedules - October 16, 2015

The following are the latest scores for all the local Clarendon County high school football team games that were recently played as of October 16, 2015:

  • Manning HS Monarchs lost to Hartsville 35-0.
  • Laurence Manning Academy (LMA) Swampcats beat Ben Lippen 56-14.
  • East Clarendon HS Wolverines lost to Hannah-Pamplico 35-25.
  • Summerton's Scotts Branch Eagles beat Timmonsville 8-6.
  • Clarendon Hall Saints are now 3-4 after a forfeit by King Academy.

The following are links to the 2015 Football schedule, roster, and detailed stats for local high schools in Summerton and across Clarendon County, SC:

* Check out MAXPREPS, a CBSSports.com web site for football team standings, other sports teams at your school, and more detailed statistics.


Major Differences Between Democrats and Republicans

Every so often, we need to revisit the following question -  “What are the major differences between the Republicans and Democrats?”  As we head into the 2016 national elections in the US, each of us ought to take a few minutes to revisit this question once again.

While Republican and Democrats have much in common, there are many differences between the two groups that primarily revolve around 'How' they choose to move the country forward and continue to keep America to be a world leader.

Take a few minutes to read some of the following articles and see where the two groups agree and where they differ:

If you took the time to scan each of the articles above, you will notice that there are many small differences in interpretation by each of these authors. The same would hold true if we were to talk to almost any group of people in the country. The differences occur because the definition of what a Democrat or Republican believes is constantly changing over time.

Get to know what the individual candidates and political parties currently believe before you cast your vote. Remember, even national elections can be won by a small handful of votes, as witnessed by the Presidential Elections of 2000 between Al Gore and George Bush.  

* Check out the links to the political parties, their platform, and other key information on the web site called America's Future: 2020-2050.