
America's Future - Let's Get Back on Course

According to the author of the book "Betrayal of American Prosperity", China's number one export to the U.S. is $46 billion of computer equipment (we used to be number one); the number one export from the U.S. to China is waste - $7.6 billion of waste paper and scrap metal. The U.S. is rapidly losing its basis for leadership, wealth, and power in the world.  All Americans need to be more concerned about our future and hold our business and government leaders at all levels accountable for taking positive action to reverse the course of the past decade and putting us back on a path to a brighter future . 

We need to be retain our leadership in innovation, selectively build up our industrial base, invest in 'green' technologies, become energy independent, care for our people, place justice and righteous behaviour above greed and immorality, protect our country and our constitution, and …??!!  Let's not be fearful about the future. Let's be serious, thoughtful, and hopeful about our future. Let's discuss the future and see if we can reach a general consensus on the positive direction we want our country to take and what our highest priorities ought to be. Let's revive and reshape the American Dream to help guide us to a better tomorrow.   

So many of our business and government leaders at the federal, state, and local level seem to have lost their way and don't really have a vision for the future of our country that we can get behind.  They're too focused on the next fiscal quarter or the next election. They focus on the negative and constantly harp on the topic of fear. America is supposed to be the home of the brave, not the home of the fearful. There are still a lot of hard working, creative, and hope filled folks out there trying to make a difference and move us forward. They are helping to create a new vision of the future for America.

Keep the American Dream alive. Keep the constructive discussion going at all levels. To help you get started, take a moment to visit the Collaboration, Open Solutions, & Innovation (COSI) web site focused on America's Future: 2020-2050

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