
Internet 'Search Engines' Have a Growing Problem

Does Google or other major search engines have a 'non-commercial results' filter? Apparently not. Lately, all I get is advertising and sales information when I search the web. Sometimes that’s good, sometimes its really annoying.

Like most people, I sometimes get fed up with search results that assume I'm automatically looking for something to buy. There are many times I'd love to be able to run a search that turned up pages without any advertising or sales orientation. There ought to be a switch or option to do this.
As Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and other big name search engines increasingly feed you search results dominated by ‘commercial’ sales information and links, I find myself exploring other lesser known ‘non-commercial’ alternatives. These include lesser known search engines like Netfind, Gibiru, Archive, and many other alternatives.
I haven’t found the single best search engine providing links to ‘non-commercial’ content, but I keep on looking. Let us know if you find one you really like.

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